Silvio Rodriguez is often referred to as the best singer and songwriter of Central and South America, and his general work is considered a classic from the 20th Century. In this Podcast, I am telling the story of how Silvio Rodriguez’s voice has the ability to make people grow, especially in the Latin American population. I display this story though the stories of two friends of mine who come from two different places and cultures in Latin America, but who deeply enjoy Silvio Rodriguez’s music and feel enriched by it.
I consider this story to be newsworthy mainly because I have never heard of this story being told before. Silvio is often referenced as a symbol of the Cuban Revolution and Latin American Left, which makes a great part of the Latin American population to ignore or not appreciate his art. But I believe that Silvio’s art, even though it does have a political affiliation, transcends the purely political and rather is in essence, a call for a positive change, both individually and collectively, which I think is a human necessity and a common denominator in persons of all ages.